So I've decided to start a blog, personally it's somewhere just to get thoughts, feelings whatever out. I don't know if anyone else is going to read this, but personally that doesn't matter to me.
I am a mother of one almost a year old son, Ethan.
He is my everything, he is such a little character. He has no teeth, yes that's right everyone he will be 12 months in 10 days and has no teeth. He is almost walking! Which is very exciting.
It's sad that he doesn't get to see his dad that often. Maybe once a month. We have been living seperate since December and we have been looking for a place for us, and don't seem to be having any luck. Like any, at all.
Our relationship hasn't been the easiest, and I'm really hoping we can get threw this. It just seems like every time we turn around were getting hit by something. Not easy, at all.
I know relationships are tough, believe me I'm not trying to make ours sound like were hero's just for surviving a day. But for some reason our relationship has been harder than normal.
Looking forward to reading more about your life and thoughts and all that jazz :) every relationship takes work, even if the people in it pretend it doesn' does! lol.